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Optical Fiber


High speed and stability with dedicated or shared fiber optics

Fiber is the network of the future, a new generation infrastructure which adapts to your digital requirements to become your best business solution.

The performance of fiber optics enables you to browse at top speed, and takes you far. With this kind of connectivity, the performances of online or cloud-based services are enhanced, your network is faster and the volume of data you can transmit is higher and more stable.

Dedicated Fiber

For companies in search of excellence, the perfect solution is dedicated connectivity. Maximum speed, stability and security are guaranteed in a personal broadband connection.

FTTH “Fiber to the Home”

The completely fiber optic network reaches the Client directly, supplying maximum performance with extremely fast and reliable data transmission.

FTTCab "Fiber to the Cabinet"

The fiber reaches the distribution cabinet in the street. From there, the twisted copper pair reaches the Client, providing high-performance data transmission. A large national capillary system is ensured by preexisting networks.

Fiber can be flanked by the service:

VPN service
This type of network, not connected to the internet, is a service for companies with multiple locations across the country or with mobile personnel. Through the use of TWT’s infrastructure, it maximizes the flow of information and safe sharing of company resources.