A single number for the country
For companies who want to offer their Clients a single point of contact for the entire country, TWT advises using Non-Geographic Numbers (NNG), and offers the possibility of porting numbers from other operators.
The Client can use a web interface (Web Console) to autonomously view, modify and manage all the NGN and “accessory” services via internet in real time.
Toll-free Number 800: This telephone service allows calls to be received from everywhere in the country through a single non-geographic number with the cost paid entirely by the recipient.
Single Number 199: This telephone service allows calls to be received from everywhere in the country through a single non-geographic number, with the cost paid entirely by the caller. Additionally, the single 199 number has Custom Message service, which lets the Client create personalized messages.
Shared Cost Number 848 and 840: This telephone service allows calls to be received from everywhere in the country through a single non-geographic number with the cost shared by the caller and the recipient.
Premium rate National Number 899: This telephone service is for non-business purposes (forecasts, fortune telling, info lines, voicemail, games, etc.). The caller is charged a specific telephone rate, part of which (reverse rate) is reimbursed to the Service Center or the company that owns the number.
Premium rate National Number 895: This telephone service is for professional telephone help and consulting services. The caller is charged a specific telephone rate, part of which (reverse rate) is reimbursed to the Service Center or the company that owns the number. A new telephone line does not need to be activated. Calls are transferred to an existing landline or cell phone number that will continue to be used for tradition traffic.
Our services of Voice